Lake Vermont Carbon and Energy Reduction Study
Carbon and Energy Reduction Review
Mining and minerals processing

Lake Vermont Carbon and Energy Reduction Study

The Arche Energy team provided a carbon and energy reduction study for Lake Vermont Mine near Dysart on the land of the Barada Barna people. Lake Vermont Mine is an opencut mine extracting 800 tonnes of coal from five main pits.

The mine produces hard coking coal (HCC) and mid volatile PCI coal. It uses overburden drilling and blasting, followed by conventional removal with truck and shovel and dozer push.

The mine operates in full compliance with Queensland Government environmental procedures which specify levels of noise, dust, water quality and overburden rehabilitation.

Why have a carbon and energy reduction study for a coal mine?

Carbon and energy reduction studies improve the efficiency of a mine, reduce power costs and help meet regulatory requirements.

They can also help businesses to meet corporate, social responsibility (CSR) goals. CSR is a business model that holds an organisation accountable for their social and environmental impacts. For example, a mine could take actions to reduce their impact on climate change by using renewable power supply.

Arche’s involvement at Lake Vermont

Arche created an energy reduction strategy study in 2023 for the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (CHPP) at Lake Vermont. Our study focussed on reducing CHPP Scope Two electrical emissions.

Our team used their technical expertise to provide:

  • detailed and thorough background research
  • a site inspection
  • identification of opportunities to reduce overall energy consumption.

Arche also held collaborative on-site meetings with site personnel, and reviewed metering data and the impact of several environmental, social, governance (ESG) practises. ESG practises are a framework for sustainable and ethical business management and considered best practise.

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