Supporting a project through the Queensland Greenhouse Gas Storage process
Tender Support
Conventional Power Generation

Supporting a project through the Queensland Greenhouse Gas Storage process

Arche Energy was engaged to prepare Request for Tender (RFT) documents for acreage under the Queensland Greenhouse Gas Storage process to support a major proposed clean coal project in the Galilee Basin.

Arche prepared the:

  • management plans and supporting designs
  • monitoring plans and environmental management plans
  • RFT pack for procurement.

What is the Queensland Greenhouse Gas Storage process?

Greenhouse gas storage activities in Queensland are regulated by resource authorities including:

  • Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009 (GHG Act)
  • Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
  • Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014
  • Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Resource authorities are needed before exploring or conducting any production activities in greenhouse gas storage areas. This is to minimise the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment.

Whoever is responsible for carrying out a project is advised to consider their project goals before applying for a resource authority to ensure they are matched with the correct authority. Experienced consultants can be helpful in navigating this process.

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