Agricultural Processing

Our agricultural processing customers typically require heat and power to produce a saleable food product and a (typically highly calorific) waste stream.

Arche adds value to agricultural processers through implementing energy management systems and the recovery of energy from waste streams (including biomass for heat and power and/or biomethane for sale as pipeline quality gas.

Arche's services to the agricultural sector can help:

Reduced energy costs
Reduce carbon emissions
Generate by product revenue streams from energy sales
Reduce waste production and waste management costs
Through these benefits our clients can expect higher profitability, more economic opportunities and contributions to rural development.

Why choose Arche Energy

We use our professional experience as energy consultants to help our clients achieve successful outcomes and provide insights into their projects in the agricultural processing sector.

Some of our agricultural processing services include:

Projects we deliver
Due diligence​ into a company developing a methane pyrolysis process creating turquoise hydrogen and solid graphite from a biogas feedstock.
Feasibility assessments into producing renewable biogas from cattle manure.
Prefeasibility studies for bio-hubs from regional organic waste.
Techno-economic evaluation for a biogas from agricultural waste project.
Contact us
Let’s discuss what we can do for your business.
1024 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006
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Let’s discuss what we can do for your business.