We do so much more — for koalas

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Did you know Arche manages a koala habitat offset area in Southeast Queensland?

The Lockyer Energy Project is home to 41.65ha of koala habitat. Arche and project owner Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners manage construction activities so that we minimise environmental harm. All construction activities are governed by the project’s Construction Environmental Management Plan.

The Lockyer Energy Project is an energy firming project that combines battery storage with hydrogen-ready, aero-derivative gas turbines.

What’s a koala habitat offset area?

Arche’s Construction and Development Manager Andrew Robson manages the project’s koala habitat offset area.

Adult koala chilling out in a eucalyptus tree and dappled sunlight
A very contented Queensland koala.

Because construction can disrupt natural habitats and threaten vulnerable flora and fauna, major project development usually includes setting aside or restoring suitable habitat elsewhere, either the same size or larger than that being disturbed.

Koala habitat offset areas are selected based on proximity to the affected area and potential to support a self-sustaining koala population.

We create koala habitat offset areas to enable the long-term survival and conservation of koala populations and to maintain resilient ecosystems.

More than just koalas

While onsite, Andrew noticed that there was a pair of wedge-tailed eagles (Aquila audax) living and nesting within the property boundary. Working with the team at Quinbrook, he had the boundary redrawn to protect their nesting area.

“Our wedge-tailed eagles are doing well since we moved the boundary. They’ve even raised chicks.”

His ongoing work on the Lockyer Energy Project includes site inspections where he checks for any damage to the koala-proof fence on the site.

The wedge-tailed eagle nest near the Lockyer site. Andrew Robson saw two adult birds soaring on the thermal updrafts over the site.

Identifying wildlife

Andrew says there are always clear signs as to what is inhabiting a project area.

“The remains of prey, scat, foraging sites and nests are all indicators of what is living in the area. If we pay close attention, we can understand how the local ecosystem works.”

Koala climbing anecdotal evidence.

“It’s a really great thing to combine firming grid power with the conservation of local animals.”

Fearless advice

Energy generation projects can do their part to support the natural world by creating and managing conservation offset areas.

Arche offers siting studies, project management, and environmental and approvals management to strategically support businesses in the energy transition. 

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