Project Development Management

Arche’s Project Development Service spans the development process from concept through to Financial Close or FID (Final Investment Decision).

We take a systematic approach to identify what each client wants to achieve with their project, determining the project scope, allocating the best resources to deliver the scope, managing all types of risk, and facilitating timely delivery within budget.

Our project development management team works collaboratively with the project owner’s team, coordinating inputs from the owner’s experts and external technical assessments, often managing the procurement process for those experts.

Arche’s Project Development Management Service covers the full breadth of project development including concept studies, planning and development approvals, environmental approvals, pre-feasibility, FEED, network connections, contracting and procurement and supporting the financing process.

Effectively managing the development of a project takes excellent leadership and organisational skills, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

Arche’s work begins with identifying the project’s objectives and continues through the strategic planning of all stages, then through coordinating technical and commercial inputs, and ultimately executing the project agreements at Financial Close.

Project development management often involves shepherding a project through a series of increasingly detailed studies — concept, pre-feasibility, feasibility — to give the project owner staged information and context for how their project is likely to perform.

Each stage requires project management, budgeting and cost control, scheduling and schedule control, technical and commercial reviews, managing multidisciplinary inputs, managing client expectations and communication, knowledge of the legislative context, and managing communication with communities and other stakeholders. 

Project management is crucial for successful project completion, ensuring that goals are met efficiently and effectively by planning, organising, and managing resources to achieve client objectives within their required timeframe and budget.

Project management involves overseeing and controlling all aspects of a project, including scope, schedule, budget, quality, risk management, and stakeholder engagement.

The Elements of Project Development

For project development services, Arche applies our expertise to identify the version of the project that adds the most value over its life. 


Engineering and Design




Procurement and Contracting



Successful project development requires the concurrent and collaborative progression of engineering, approvals, procurements and contracting and financing.

Arche brings expertise to each element of project development from years of experience over many projects.









For a pre-feasibility study, Arche produces designs, technical studies, and costing to provide clients with capital, operating and performance estimates so the project owner can commit to the next phase with confidence.

During a feasibility study or front-end engineering design (FEED) phase, we progress the definition of the project to a bankable level, contributing engineering design and assisting in the negotiation of major contracts.

We work with trusted partners to provide approvals and legal services.​
Projects we
help our clients
The Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone
The New England Renewable Energy Zone
Ord River Hydrogen Project
Mount Dore Copper Project
Woolgar Gold Project
Copper String 2.0

Approvals management
and negotiations

Arche Energy works with our clients to guide their projects through the layers of legislative requirements to ultimate success. Our input streamlines approvals processes and contract negotiations.

Our consultants manage the entire process and work with you to secure all necessary permits, licences, and clearances from regulatory bodies as well as liaising with other stakeholders so that you can realise your projects’ full investment potential.

Owner’s engineering, studies and specifications

Project owners and investors engage Arche to manage infrastructure and energy projects throughout their entire lifecycles.

Our consultants support you with expert advice on engineering, planning, finance, cost control, scheduling, commercial reviews, managing teams and consultants, managing client expectations and communication, knowledge of the legislative context, and managing communications with communities and other stakeholders.

Contract negotiations and equipment procurement

We support project owners from expression of interest through contract execution, manufacture, final inspection and delivery.

At the right point in project development, Arche Energy begins the process of procuring the complex equipment and services needed for the project’s success.

With thorough planning and their knowledge of and experience with industry standards, Arche’s consultants identify relevant equipment options available on the market. We then analyse and assess those options against project-specific criteria then make selections that best fit the project and the client’s goals.

Our consultants write scopes for technical specifications and procurement packaging, conduct technical and commercial tender reviews, and make recommendations to project owners for which suppliers to engage.


  • Studies determining the prospectivity of large-scale CO2 storage reservoirs
  • Technical feasibility studies for proposed high efficiency, low emissions (HELE) power projects with carbon capture and storage
  • Market studies for the uses of solid carbon as a by-product from methane pyrolysis
  • Studies identifying products that can be made from coal: power, hydrogen, ammonia, diesel, urea and methanol
  • Concept studies for production and export of blue hydrogen and ammonia from coal projects
  • Concept studies to capture, transport and distribute CO2
  • Hydrogasification technical-commercial review of a novel hydrogasification technology on behalf of a potential investor
  • Prefeasibility study for a large-scale hydrogen, ammonia, and clean fuel production facility that explored sizing, capital and operating cost estimate and performance estimates
  • Concept studies for combined solar and battery farms
  • Pre-development screenings of potential solar farm development sites on behalf of owners and developers
  • Assessment of a hydrogen virtual pipeline and peaking power plant
  • Analysis to estimate the range of electrical demand for hydrogen and BESS utilisation
  • Project development services to explore economic viability of a green hydrogen production and liquefaction export project
  • Engineering management for Central Queensland Hydrogen Project (CQ‑H2): technical support and scoping, OEM engagement, key infrastructure stakeholder engagement, and procurement and planning support
  • Hydrogen Market Entry Strategy for Pacific Hydro
  • Project development of 65MW Rugby Run Solar Farm in Central Queensland
  • Energy supply concept study for Mount Dore Copper Project
  • Power supply concept study for Woolgar Gold Project
  • Ord River Hydrogen Project — Marketing and Logistics Study

Arche's Project Development Service

Effectively managing the development of a project takes strong leadership and organisational skills, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. 

It begins with identifying the project and continues to the strategic planning all of its stages, then through coordinating technical and commercial inputs, and finally executing the project.
Project development management takes a systematic approach to identify what the client wants to achieve with the project, determining the project scope, allocating resources to deliver the scope, managing all types of risk, and facilitating timely delivery within budget.

A professional project development management team works collaboratively within the project owner’s team, coordinating inputs from the owner’s experts and external technical assessments, often managing the procurement process for the experts that deliver those assessments.
Project development management often involves shepherding a project through a series of increasingly detailed studies — concept, prefeasibility, feasibility — to give the project owner staged information and context for how their project is likely to perform.

Each stage requires project management, budgeting and cost control, scheduling and schedule control, technical and commercial reviews, managing multidisciplinary inputs, managing client expectations and communication, knowledge of the legislative context, and managing communication with communities and other stakeholders.

For project development services, Arche applies our expertise to identify the version of the project that adds the most value over its life. We brainstorm, research, analyse and collaborate to take advantage of the project value curve and set the trajectory for the balance of the project.
For a pre-feasibility study, Arche produces designs, technical studies, and costing to provide clients with capital, operating and performance estimates so the project owner can commit to the next phase with confidence.

During a feasibility study or front-end engineering design (FEED) phase, we progress the definition of the project to a bankable level, contributing engineering design and assisting in the negotiation of major contracts. We work with trusted partners to provide approvals and legal services.

Network connections

From the initial contact with network service providers (NSPs) onwards, Arche Energy manages network connection processes for major infrastructure projects.

Connecting a project to Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) is a complex, many layered process that involves several stakeholders: various levels of government, any affected landowners, the NSP and AEMO.

During the pre-feasibility stage, Arche’s consultants assess factors like a project’s location, size, network constraints, infrastructure requirements, loss factors, and whether it affects or is affected by other projects.

We work with you to define the project’s connection requirements, be a point of contact with the NSP and AEMO, provide you with relevant information to make decisions for your project, and prepare an official connection enquiry to the NSP.

The NSP then assesses the enquiry and provides guidance and information so we can prepare the project’s connection application. Arche Energy works with you on the application, which has to include performance standards, a description of the proposed installation, computer modelling of the project, and other supporting information.

We continue on as the point of contact for the NSP and AEMO and keep them apprised of any changes to the project’s proposed plant, performance standards, network, committed projects or requirements under the National Electricity Rules.

To complete the network connection, Arche works with the project owner, NSP and AEMO to finalise market registration, complete commissioning test procedures and provide the necessary performance data.

Our experience in network connections includes managing connection processes for mine and train loadout operations, managing the connection up to 257kV and the successful completion of GPS monitoring on major energy projects.

Site early works and compliance

Early works programs gives the project a head start on key works prior to financial close. Arche Energy provides early works and compliance services that position a project to transition smoothly into its construction phase.

Our team provides compliance services to help your project comply with approvals conditions in order to set the project off on the right foot.

Early works we manage


Establishing project parameters, defining project boundaries, outlining desired outcomes, and defining scopes of work to be procured to deliver the early works

Site establishment

Setting up temporary facilities like offices, storage, fencing, access roads, power, water, sanitation, and security


Removing vegetation, existing structures, debris and other obstacles from the site


Earthmoving, levelling, and compaction of the soil to prepare the site for the foundation of the infrastructure


Environmental compliance including: obtaining permits, undertaking audits and inspections, implementing mitigation measures to minimise impact, including erosion and sediment control, dust suppression, and waste management

Cultural heritage

Cultural heritage pre- clearing and pre-excavation inspections and compliance management programs.

Project Controls

Establishing systems for managing budgets, schedules and documentation is critical and should be established early in the project.

Existing utilities

Relocating or protecting any water pipes, gas lines, electrical cables, telecommunications cables and so on that are on the project site

Regulatory compliance

With all applicable legal requirements, including local land use and building codes, health and safety regulations, and environmental regulations

Commercial reviews

Comprehensive analysis of contracts and commercial terms needed to complete the project, including legal, financial, and operational aspects of the contract to identify potential risks, obligations and opportunities

Let’s discuss what we can do for your business.